Rowland Cook Apps

Cyculator 1.0
Rowland Cook
Cyculator - The Cyclists calculator.This software contains 3 formulas that are useful tocyclists.1) Gear ratio calculator (in inches)2) Spoke length calculator3) Vertical dropout chain stay length calculator for bikes withvertical dropouts for those wishing to fit a single (usually fixed)gear.The gear ratio calculator calculates gear ratios in inches. Thewheel size is entered (in inches) and up to 1 to 3 chain rings canbe entered and up to 1 to 10 sprockets. Selecting Calc on the menuwill then display the ratios.The spoke length Calculator calculates spoke lengths. Firstselect if the hub is symmetrical (same both sides) or asymmetrical(different both sides. this means that either the flange diameteris different or the center to flange is different or both). Thenenter the flange width and center to flange (for both sides ifnecessary), Rim Diameter and spoke hole diameter. select the numberof spokes, the n select calc on the menu. a Table of all thepermissible crosses will be displayed. There is a clear option onthe menu too. The input region and the result table arescrollable.The number of available crosses displayed is worked out by dividingthe total number of spokes by 9. So a 32 spoke wheel should have amaximum cross of 3, 36 and 40 spoke wheels have a maximum cross of4, and a 48 spoke wheel has a maximum cross of 5Vertical dropout chain stay length calculator only deals withthe theoretical side of matching a set of sprocket/chain ringcombinations to specific length of chain stay.In practice this is still very difficult to achieve. Firstly it isimpossible to measure the chain stays accurately enough toguarantee a match.Secondly the mathematics assumes that the sprockets and chain ringsare perfectly round which unfortunately is frequently not the case,and that the chain has not stretched (1 Link is exactly 1 Inchlong).It will still involve a lot of experimentation to find a workingsprocket and chain ring combination.What this equation allows you to do is once you have found aworking combination of any gear (It does not have to be the gearyou require). You can then look up other gear ratios that will fitthe chain stay length.Unfortunately it does not guarantee that the gear you desire can befound.The software enables the user to enter a range of:1) Chain ring sizes2) Sprocket sizes3) Chain stay lengths4) Desired gears ratios (in inches)5) Half linksHalf links can also be included into the calculations. These canbe found for 1/8th chains although they are not commonly used. Soby default this option is left unchecked.If large ranges are entered (particularly chain stay lengths) thenit could take a while (around 30 seconds in the worst cases) tocalculate results. So I’d advise keeping the chain stay range downto less than half an inch which should be more than enough for therequired purpose.On the results page the following abbreviations are used:C R - Chain RingSpr or Sprock – Sprocket.The buttons at the bottom of the results page enable you to sortthe data by Chain Ring, Sprocket, Gear or chain stay length.The results screen also shows the number of links in thechain.
Roller Derby Track Layout 1.3
Rowland Cook
The application displays measurements (Infeet, Inches and Meters) between any two selected points on aRoller derby Track.It displays a Roller Derby Track on the screen with 45 keyPoints as blue dots. By selecting any two blue dots the applicationwill provide three measurements:1) The straight line distance in red2) The vertical distance between the two points in green3) The horizontal distance between the two points in blueThe horizontal and vertical distances are useful to get frompoint A to point B if the straight line distance is not parallel /perpendicular to the hall walls but at an angle. By navigating viathe horizontal and vertical distance which are parallel /perpendicular to the hall walls, this will ensure a much moreaccurate result.The track displayed has also been rotated through 3.27 degrees(as well as all the 45 key points). This results in a track wherethe outside oval now has it's straights parallel with the hallwalls. This saves 2ft in width and is useful if the hall is tighton space. It is the inside track that is now skewed. This meansthat the inside center line defined by the two inside track markersis now at an angle of 3.27 degrees. It is the line between the twoouter track centers that now runs vertically.Any key point can be selected by touching the screen near it.You do not have to touch the dot exactly. The software works outwhich key point is the nearest to the place you touched. The firsttouch will select the first point which will turn red. The secondtouch will select the second point which will also turn red, butthe software will also display the three distances specific tothose two points. Another touch anywhere on the screen will clearit and you are now free to select any other two points.The application has been tested on a screen resolution of 320 *480. It works but you have to be precise when selecting a point onthe screen this small. Less precision is required on devices withlarger screens.The distances is meters is calculated / displayed to a 0.1 of amm, or 0.0001 of a meter. The distances in Feet and inches aredisplayed to the nearest 1/8th of an inch. I did try displaying thedistance to the nearest 1/64th of an inch. But I found thisconfusing when most tape measures are marked in 1/8th of aninch.
Roller Derby Referee Signals 1.1
Rowland Cook
This application contains videos of thecurrentRoller Derby Referee hand signals as of 1st Jan 2013.There are three ways to view a hand signal.1) Select 'Play All' and all of them will be played one aftertheother.2) Select 'Penalty by Type' will provide you with a list Types.Inmost cases there will be one type per penalty, The typewillprobably be the same as the Verbal Cue. However thereareexceptions such as 'Out of Play' and 'Illegal Procedures' aseachof these have multiple verbal cues. In these cases a sub menuisdisplayed with each verbal cue.3) Select by Verbal Cue. Each penalty is listed separately.'NotLead Jammer' and 'No Pass No Penalty' although listed here havenoverbal cues. The videos for these penalties remain silent.In all cases the penalties are in WFTDA section order (sameorderas the manual).On most screen there are 2 banners at the top:1) Amsterdam Derby Dames2) All Derby Drillsif you select either of these it will launch the browser andtakeyou to there respective web sites.
Tilt Shift Lens Calculator 1.5
Rowland Cook
Calculator to assist in using a Tilt Shift Lens
Sony A7Riv Menu Assistant App 1.0
Rowland Cook
Menu assistant for the Sony A7Riv Camera